Thursday, May 20, 2010, 6:20 PM
The cast
Bree; 21; New to California, doesn't know much people but her best friends Amber, Jas, and Gerica.

Amber; 20; Been modeling for about 3 years now; She doesn't care what people think, she speaks her mind.

Gerica; 22; The party animal; Doesn't care what others think of her, or will she let them get in her way of what she wants.

Isabel; 21; The lover; She's finds herself to be the wife and mother figure in most situations.

Jas; 19; The baby; Loves to dance; Tends to be a bit sensitive and speaks before she thinks

Nick(Ras); 23; The rowdy boy everyone loves or wants to know; Parties too hard sometimes and takes things too far.

Asher; 22; The slow, wild boy every girl wants; Always out; Tends to be cocky sometimes.

Travis; 22; The hot singer; Sometimes his fans get in the way of his social life.

Jared; 23; The most adult figure out of the guys; Loves to be the romantic with Isabel; Tends to brag a lot to the guys about his love life.

Wesley; 20; The youngest out of the guys; Huge flirt when it comes to the girls; Always out having fun.

This is just for fun, so not hate. It's a fanfic about TG, Ras, and V-Factory. For my friends & I.

The Cast
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine