Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 9:07 PM
Chapter four
Yesterday's day in the life: Bree was left home alone sick while the others were out partying. Travis decided to surprise Gerica. Jas and Wesley decide to keep their fling a secret. Jared and Isabel are being a cute couple, while Bree and Ras stayed up hours just talking. Amber and Asher seemed to hit it off too.

Jared and Isabel woke up on the couch. "Ugh, get off me! You are crushing me!" Isabel groaned, she pushed Jared off her and walked to the room. She read her text messages. She saw Travis' tweet on her phone. Really had fun with my close friends tonight. Came home disappointed though. Isabel let out a heavy sigh. She grabbed some clothes and took a quick shower. The warm water felt good as it hit her bare body. She shut it off and changed into her new pair of clothes. She grabbed her car keys and phone and headed to Gerica's.

Bree got up and got ready for school. She thought about Ras and what a nice guy he was being last night. She could actually talk to him without being rude. back. After applying her make up, she grabbed her book bag and headed out the room into the garage and into her car. Amber woke up and looked at the time. A bright smile reached from cheek to cheek. She felt like today was going to be a good day. 12pm, sleeping in wouldn't hurt.

After class Jas headed to Gerica's. "What's wrong?" Jas asked as she entered the bedroom. "You saw Travis' tweet too?" Gerica sighed. "Yeah, is everything okay?" Jas asked again. "I don't know really. I think I need some time alone." "Okay. See you in a bit." Isabel smiled and the two left the room. "Are her and Travy going to end it? I mean, that'd be pretty dumb." "I know, they've been together forever." Isabel and Jas sat down on the couch with the guys. "Hey Jas, how was school?" Asher put his arm around Jas' shoulder and pulled her close and nearly strangled her. "It was great. I have to head to work later tonight though." "What time?" Wesley asked. "Eleven. Maybe ten." Jas replied as she headed to the kitchen. "Did you hear Trav? Wes here is pulling more chicks than Ras now." Travis looked at Asher then to Wesley and let out a loud laughter. Ras sat there laughing. "I'm sorry, but that's funny." "How was that chick last night Wes?" Asher asked as he winked. "She was great." "What time did she leave?" Jared asked. "Jared!" Isabel yelled. Jas stood there in the kitchen waiting for an answer. "She left around 5 this morning." Wesley grinned. "You are such a whore!" Jas shouted as she walked towards the door. "What?" Wesley laughed. "You are a damn pig! You sleep with one girl, then another, and then another. I thought Ras was worse than you. I was wrong. You disgust me." Jas slammed the door shut and stormed off to the window staring outside at the busy city. "What was that about?" Travis sat there looking at everyone. "I'll be back." Wesley got up and headed outside.

"Hey, can we talk?" "What? There's nothing to talk about, I already said what I had to say." Jas turned around and looked at Wesley who was five feet away from her. "When I said keep it on the downlow, I didn't mean to cover it up by sleeping with another girl." Tears filled her eyes. Wesley sighed as he approached her. "I know, I'm sorry." "About what?! It already happened." "And it was a mistake." Wesley sat down, "Sit down with me." He patted a spot by him and Jas sat by him. "That night was a mistake. We were a mistake." Jas looked at Wesley. "No it wasn't." Wesley smiled. "Do you really like me, or do you see me as another girl?" Wesley closed his eyes. "I saw you as another girl, but I really do like you. And I know you like me back, or you wouldn't have gave in like that." "I'm not like that. I don't give in like that." Jas rested her head on the glass. "I'm not that type of girl." "I know, I've known you for a year and a half now. I know how you are with guys." Wesley smiled. Jas smiled back and pulled him in for a kiss. He laid his hand on her face and wiped away her tear. "We're not even a couple, and we're fighting like one." Wesley faked a smile. Jas sighed. "Wes, how about we play it safe? Let's stay in the 'talking' zone, okay?" "Good with me. Ready to go back in?" Wesley stood up. He reached for her hand and pulled her up. "Don't worry. You're fine. They won't be able to tell that you cried." Jas smiled at Wesley's remark.

The room became silent as Wesley and Jas entered. "Hey. Sorry about earlier." Jas smiled. "It's okay." Travis smiled, "But is there something you wanna tell us?" "Uh yeah. You see-" "Jas and I are sorta have a thing." "A thing?" Isabel choked. "Yeah, we're sorta together, but not just yet." Wesley put his arm around her shoulder. "When did this happen?" Wesley smiled. "Wesley and I sorta...slept together." "I knew it! I told you Jared! Pay up." Isabel held her hand out. Jared dug into his pocket and handed her 20 dollars. "That's right. Who's daddy?" Isabel smiled. "You are." Jared groaned. Isabel laughed and pecked Jared on the lips. "So when did you and her you know, do the nasty?" Asher smiled. "Dude, stay out their business." Travis took a pillow from the couch and slapped Asher with it. "Thanks Trav." Jas smiled as she hugged Wesley. "But when did you?" Travis smiled. "Yeah, I mean I think we all want to know." Ras smiled. Wesley and Jas nervously laughed as they looked at each other. "The other night. At the barbecue." Jas replied. "Aww well, you guys are cute together!" Isabel smiled. "Thanks." Wesley grinned.

"What in the world?! What is all that racket?" Gerica snapped as she walked out of the room. "Woah, you guys are huggin each other. What did I miss?" "They had sex." Asher replied. "They're a thing." Jared added. "What the hell?!" Gerica rubbed her eyes. "Gerica, babe, I need to talk to you." Travis took Gerica's hand and walked her to an empty space. "I don't care if our friends are here, but I'm going to be an honest man. And I love you for loving me for being who I am and being honest. But I know our relationship is going downhill. How? I don't know. Why? I don't know. But I do love you Gerica." "Aww Travy! I love you too." All of a sudden he got on one knee. "He isn't!" "He is!" "Gerica Anissa Jones, will you marry me?" Travis smiled as he showed her the ring. "Oh my god Travis! Get up!" Gerica hugged Travis as streams of tears fell down her face. "Of course I'll marry you." Travis put the ring on her finger. "Wait I'm confused, why were you disappointed?" Isabel asked. "You saw my tweet?" "Yeah, we all did." Jas added. "Well I was disappointed because this isn't the ring that Gerica really wanted. This was as close as I could get." Travis said as he wrapped his arms around her. "Honey, a ring does not matter. As long as I got you, I'm fine." Gerica smiled and kissed him. "Well then, we have to celebrate!" Asher shouted as he got up. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of champagne. Asher popped the top off and it started to flow. "To Travis and Gerica Garland!" Asher poured some into ten champagne glasses. "And to Wesley finally getting with Jas." Ras smirk. "Ha-ha, you're too funny." Wesley commented. The eight of them clunked glasses with each other and took their drinks. Amber and Bree came in together. "What are we celebrating?" Amber asked. "Gerica is going to be a Garland." Isabel smiled. "Oh my god! Gerica congrats!" Bree nearly strangled Gerica with a hug. "I'm so happy for the both of you." Amber hugged Travis. The two took their glasses. "Oh, we're also celebrating Wesley and Jas hooking up." Bree spit out her drink. "Holy shit. When did this happen?" "Oh, I forgot to add. They had sex too." "Ras! Shut up!" Jas slapped Ras. "Woah, get it Jas!" Amber winked.

After a quick celebration, they headed to the backyard and hung out. "So Amber, how are you?" Ras put his arm around her shoulder and looked down her shirt. "What the hell Ras?!" Ras, Wesley, Jared, and Asher laughed to themselves. "Let's skype tonight." Ras grinned. "What?" Amber pulled Ras' arm off. "Hey, all on you!" Ras put his hands up. Amber looked at Asher, "What the hell Asher?! I thought I could trust you!" "I'm a guy, what do you expect?" Asher smirked. "But you said..." Amber cried. "I didn't promise on anything. All I said was okay." Amber ran out the penthouse crying. "Wow, Ash. You're a dick." Isabel got up and headed to the kitchen. "Ok, it's already 6. I have to head home and get ready. Talk to you later." Jas smiled and kissed Wesley. "See you later." Wesley let go of her and she walked out. "You guys are really cute together." Bree commented. "Thanks, I really like her." Wesley smiled. Hopefully he could tame himself.

This is just for fun, so not hate. It's a fanfic about TG, Ras, and V-Factory. For my friends & I.

The Cast
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine