Monday, June 14, 2010, 11:44 PM
Chapter nine
Yesterday's day in the life: Jared and Isabel get into an argument. Jas and Isabel tell Asher that Amber likes him. Amber tells Wesley how she feels about Jas and Asher. Gerica asks Amber to be a bridesmaid and Wesley and Jared both agree to be Travis'.

Travis and Gerica sat at the table waiting. "Can you get off Twitter for once?" Gerica snapped. "I know you've been on it for like 4 minutes now!" Amber added as she walked back from the bathroom. "Sorry, if I tweet a fan, I gotta tweet another." Gerica groaned. She snatched his phone and tweeted Sorry, I have to do something important. Truly sorry couldn't get you all. She handed him phone back when her mother returned. "So what's the big news you have to tell me?" She asked as she set down the lemonade down on the table. "Oh well uh-" Gerica smiled at Travis. "Travis and I are getting married." Gerica's mother smiled and squealed. "I'm so happy for you both!" Gerica's mom took both of their hands. "But um-" "There's a but?" "Oh yeah, a but." Amber said as she sipped her lemonade. "Ummm, I'm sort of pregnant." "We're planning to have the wedding in either 3 or 4 months." Travis added. "You're pregnant?" "Mom, I'm sorry. But he proposed before we found out." Gerica said quickly. "Well I'm happy for you but...honey, what are people going to think?" "They can think whatever they want, Mrs. Jones. Gerica and I are happy together. We both love each other and if we're ready to get married, then we're most likely ready to have a child." Travis smiled as he looked at them both. "Travis, I would be honored ot have you as a son-in-law and to father my grandchild." Gerica smiled at her mom. "I love you mom," Gerica hugged her mom. "I love you too. The three of you are like my children." Travis and Amber both smiled as they walked closer to hug Gerica's mom. "Okay, well we're going to drop by Amber's place. See you later okay Mom?" "Okay kids, see you next time." The three hugged Gerica's mom again and headed out.

"So this little fella here is Bree's boyfriend." Jas said as she handed Kyle to Bree. "Does Ras know?" Asher laughed. "Shut up." Bree hissed. The four laughed all together. "Where's my baby boy at?" Jas asked her sister. "He's napping. We're waiting on him to wake up soon to cut the cake." Her sister grabbed Kyle from Bree and took him inside the house to feed him. "So Asher, what made you wanna come over and visit?" Her other sister laughed. "Ya'know, I got madd love for those who party hard." Asher winked. "Oh god." Jas said to herself. "But Wesley actually dragged me up here. I was suppsed to be with my friends back in Stockton." Asher smiled. "So what made you come up here Wes?" Jas sister asked as she dipped her chip in the salsa. "They're sorta going out." Bree got to it before Asher could. "I hate you Bree." "Whatever Asher." "Hmm, so and Wesley. When did this happen?" "Umm, a few days ago actually." Wesley looked at Jas and she gave him a sharp stare in return. "Hmm really?" Jas sister stared at the two. "Yeah. I'ma be right back. I wanna go check on my baby." Jas got up and headed to her old bedroom. She heard footsteps, of course it was Wesley. "Why in the world would you agree with them?" Jas began. "Because we sorta are." Wesley smiled, "And better to tell them now than them finding out later." "Ugh Wes," I hate you." Jas smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. "Umm, you little boy is up." The two looked at the bed and Ben was starting to get up. Jas let go of Wesley and carried her nephew out the room to the backyard. Everybody was excited and had a blast.

Jared, Isabel, and Ras walk around the area after getting some Starbuck's. "So whatsup between you and Bree?" Isabel smiled. "I really don't know but I like her. And I'm not sure if she likes me back." Ras hid his smile. He wanted to keep his figure, the macho man. "Well from what I saw yesterday morning I think she does." Jared and Ras both let out a short laughter. "Yeah, we've been on a few dates I suppose." Ras added. "Well you guys would be cute together. And you should ask her out soon." Isabel grinned and the guys just laughed. "What I'm serious! I mean like you guys would be like the next Travis and Gerica. And maybe if you last long you guys can have little Furlong's." Isabel walked inside the store smiling. The guys both looked at each other and laughed. Hopefully, Ras thought.
Jas, Asher, Wesley, and Bree headed back to Stockton. "Oh man this is my jam." Asher turned the volume up, and tweeted. Bumping to some music with @jaaas @breestifer and @wesleyquinn! Jas and Bree looked at their phones and started laughing. "Asher you are too white. Just stop." Bree laughed. "Stop what?" Asher chuckled. "You fail at being black. I disown you." Jas said as she got on the freeway." "You fail at driving. So suck on it. And why are me and Wes in the back?" "I know! I atleast deserve to be in the passenger." "No bitch, you're an ostrich." Bree shouted. The car ride was a joy for the four of them .

Gerica, Travis, and Amber headed back to the hotel and hung out in the lobby. "So are we telling your mom?" Gerica looked at Travis. "We'll fly out to Texas when we get back to LA." Travis pulled Gerica's head towards his and gave it a kiss. "I'll see you guys later." Amber got up and headed to her room. She unlocked the door and someone was in the shower. Amber threw her bag on the floor and laid there on the bed. The bathroom door opened and Amber looked up at the ceiling. "HOLY SHIT AMBER YOU SCARED ME!" "HOLY SHIT ASHER YOUR PACKAGE! TOWEL!" Amber hid her eyes and he ran to the bathroom. Amber put the pillow in her face. She saw nothing she repeated to herself repeatively.

This is just for fun, so not hate. It's a fanfic about TG, Ras, and V-Factory. For my friends & I.

The Cast
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine