Thursday, May 20, 2010, 6:28 PM
Chapter one
Gerica grabbed the pillow and wacked Travis in the head multiple times. "The hell?!" Travis rubbed his eyes and looked at Gerica. "Who the hell is calling you at two in the orning?!" Gerica yelled. Travis grabbed his phone and looked at it. "It's RAS. He's probably calling me that he's about to pull another chick." It rang again; Gerica grabbed his phone before it could hit the bed. "I don't care if you're pulling your damn hoes. Stop calling or I'ma have to urk you!" Gerica hung up and threw a blanket and pillow at Travis. "I don't care if the next person calling you is Asher or whoever important, take your damn phone and sleep on the couch...NOW!" Gerica demanded; Travis knew not to talk back. He grabbed his stuff and walked to the living room.

Jared greeted Isabel with a morning kiss. "Good morning to you too hun." Isabel smiled as she put a plate of a huge stack of pancakes on the table. "I smell food!" Asher sang as he walked into the room. "Ugh why must you be so fat?" Isabel joked as Asher gave her a morning hug. Wesley walked into the room. "I love your pancakes Iz." Wesley winked. "Thank you. But can you put a shirt on." Wesley smiled, "I'm still hot and sweaty." "From what?!" Isabel snapped. Jared and Asher looked at Wesley and laughed to themselves. "Babe, you don't want to know. Come sit down and eat." Jared smiled as he rested his hands on her shoulders. "I can't I'm heading to Amber's house. She's planning her birthday party." Isabel said as she grabbed her purse from her and Jared's room. "Oh yeah, how old is she turning?" Asher asked. "21. Bye guys, see you later at Gerica's and Trav's." Isabel kissed Jared on the cheek and headed out.

Amber and Isabel sat on the couch looking at places. "I give up!" Amber shouted. "You know you can always get a stripper." Isabel winked. "Oh god. Someone is in a good mood." Amber and Isabel both laughed. "You know what. I'll ask Travis for some help. Wanna head out? Jas and Bree are already over there." "Alright." The girls locked the house and headed to Gerica's and Travis' penthouse in Isabel's car.

Travis and Asher were setting up the barbecue while Ras just stood there watching with a cold beer in his hand. Wesley, Jared, Nicky, and Natty were in the living room watching TV. Bree, Jas, and Gerica were in the kitchen getting ready some more food ready. "You guys know Ras pulled another chick last night?" The girls laughed. "Oh god. I don't even want to know." Bree laughed again. "Hey babe." Travis walked in the kitchen and kissed Gerica on the cheek. "Hey, who's watching the food?" Gerica asked. "Asher and Ras." "The hell! I don't trust them, they might burn the meat!" The door bell rang. "Can one of you guys go get that? I needa go yell at these goons!" Gerica stormed out to the backyard and yelled at the two. Jas went to go get the door. "Hey!" Jas hugged Isabel and Amber and let them in. "The hell?! Why aren't you guys out back helping?!" Amber yelled at the guys who were in front in the TV. "We burn the meat when we cook it." Wesley looked up at Amber with a smile and she slapped the back of his head. "So did you find a place for your party Amber?" Jared asked as he hugged Isabel. "Not yet. It's too hard. I was gonna ask Trav to help." Amber walked to the kitchen and helped Bree with the food. "Are you gonna have jello shots?" "Of course!" Amber and Bree laughed.

Everybody went outside and hung out. "So Ras, you be pullin chicks right to left I hear?" Bree laughed. "Fa'sho. Still planning to pull you too one day." Ras smiled as he took another sip from his beer. "In your dreams." Bree smirked and walked off with her food. "So Jas, how come you attend NickyT's and Brooklyn's class but not mine?" Wesley smiled as sat right next to her by the pool. "Because I don't want to, and you don't tell me when your classes are." Jas gave him a cold look. "Oh really now?" "No, you just suck." "That's not what my date said last night when she left my house." Wesley winked. "Gross." "Aww c'mon Jas. Why are you being so harsh to Wes?" Isabel smiled. "Yea, why are you being so harsh." Wesley put his arm around Jas' shoulder. "You don't like me or something?" "I never said that. I hate you." Jas got up. "Everyone loves me, and I love them for that." "That's why your ex left you." Asher and Ras laughed at Wesley as they punked him.

Gerica brought out some more beer and hardcore liquor outside. "Paaaaaaarty!" Gerica shouted as she poured some alcohol in her cup. Everybody was in the pool except for Jared and Isabel who were making out in the hot tub. Without telling the two, they all went inside the house to play spin the bottle for the hell of it. Ras spinned the bottle and kissed Amber. "Your breath stinks." Amber coughed. "You know you like the smell of alcohol in my mouth." Ras joked. Amber spun the bottle and it landed on Asher. Asher's smile grew wider as Amber bent over to kiss him. He spun the bottle and it landed on Travis. "Oh hell no. I quit." Everybody laughed as Asher got up. "Spin Wes." Gerica demanded. He spun it and it landed on Jas. Her eyes grew wide as she looked at it. "Aww hell." Wesley said. "You know you wanna kiss her Wesley!" Amber. "Get your ass here and hurry." Jas demanded. Wesley got up and sat by her since she was too far. "Yea that's right. Who's daddy!" Jas said and Gerica laughed. Wesley smiled and decided to give her a real kiss that she wouldn't forget. "Ew what the hell?! Get your tongue out of my mouth." Jas pushed Wesley back and got up and went to the kitchen and washed her mouth with water. Everybody laughed and she went to the bathroom and changed. When she came back, Jared and Isabel were back in the house and everyone quit playing. "Ok, I'ma take this beer with me. I'm gonna head home. Wanna come Bree?" "No she's okay. I'll take them home." Isabel smiled. "I need to head home, can you take me?" Wesley asked. Everybody looked at Jas. "Fine whatever."

The drive was quiet. "So you really didn't like my kiss." "I don't think I'll forget it." Jas replied. "But I didn't say I never liked it." Jas said as she took another sip of the beer that was sitting there. Wesley's grin grew bigger. They reached the house and Jas pulled over. "Well then, how about another one?" Wesley smiled as he pulled in and gave her another kiss. Jas kissed him back then pulled away. "You know what. I think I have to drop something off for Iz." Jas smiled. Wesley smiled back and the two got out the car. He put his arm around her shoulder as they walked into the house.

Gerica and Travis cleaned up the place after everyone left. "I am so tired." Travis sighed as he sat on the couch. "Oh really now? I guess tonight won't be better." Gerica smiled as she walked to their bedroom. Travis sat their confused. He looked at Gerica who was making her way to the bed. He grinned as he smiled and ran to meet her at the bed.

This is just for fun, so not hate. It's a fanfic about TG, Ras, and V-Factory. For my friends & I.

The Cast
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine